I'm Zerimis, originally back in the SWG live days I went by Sysion and hailed from Chilastra. I played on live from right as the CU rolled out to a while past NGE. After NGE, much of the group I played with (SPG on Tatooine) fizzled out. I came back right before live shut down to look around, and did run into a few familiar faces. I was mostly into crafting and resource hoarding, mostly as Armorsmith.
I checked out other SWG servers back around 2017, but was amidst a stressful time with work and all. Recently felt it beckoning again, and at a more chill time in my life. Maybe this is a midlife crisis? IRL I'm from central California, was a software developer for a lifetime, retired from that, and now work for myself as a CNC machinist.
I was glad to find SWG Evolve from a youtube video and loved the classless concept. I loved the flexibility over the pre-baked NGE classes, but here it also isn't a crazy prolonged grind for the initial leveling.
Hopefully see you around. I'd like to see how the player market is here, get back to the resource hoarding. I'll be looking into some guilds, looking forward to some group PvE, and maybe group PvP (not that good, but can be fun). Even the last few days, kind of like just sitting with the sounds of Mos Eisely in the background.