Search results

  1. Rynde

    Make ME "great again"

    ME is really the center of the SWG universe and I will say as a newer player it is a little concerning on the fact that there is literally no one in ME. ME was always and will continue to be the hub of the galaxy, whether it was to get an ENT buff or Med buff at the space station, it was always...
  2. Rynde

    Leveling Guide/ True beginner guide (combat)

    I just wanted to write something up for the new players to evolve because there are a lot of differences which I believe you will find to be much better in the long run but can be very confusing in the beginning. Once you create your character you will land in ME in front of the star port, you...
  3. Rynde

    Add cape a craftable

    Recently I bought the empire cape which I thought would look awesome but it only comes town to the knees, a little disappointing. I know on legends they had craftable capes and also had them socketed, I didn't realize this was a new feature but would be awesome to wear a cape and customize the...
  4. Rynde

    Player build ?

    After being involved in two pvp scenarios I have realized that my character can not compete and I am curious if it is because of the Alpha Jedi class or if I just need desperately to increase my armor, weapons, make a full suit of 35's and so forth. I can say that not only was I completely...
  5. Rynde

    Dual wield

    This was actually a suggestion from my son wanting to be able to have dual lightsabers but would also be cool in most all melee professions and single handed ranged.
  6. Rynde

    Clothing attachments

    I started today to try to work on 35's however my crafter made a weapon attachment (I have no points in weaponsmith) instead of a clothing attachment (full tailor). Is this something that is not available yet or has to be done differently because of the profession skill sets? Or is there a work...
  7. Rynde


    Greetings all, long time player of SWG from the beginning to the end of NGE, I loved so many factors of this game and have played a bunch of the redone games. Pre Cu is just too old and slow and doesn't offer enough for a player, cu is better but a total grind and still misses a lot, and though...