BH Reveal Target Ability


New member
Feb 5, 2024
Houston, TX
When this ability was noticed on TC, I had a suggestion for it and mentioned it privately but not on an official capacity.

Move the Reveal Target ability to the BH Vendor, purchased via BH tokens. Just like the Slave 1 ITV is a purchased ability. However, still require MBH to use the ability. Currently someone can get 50 tokens, buy the Slave 1 ITV, then drop BH and still be able to use it. That is not what I'm suggesting for Reveal. Purchase Reveal for X tokens, but requires MBH box to use.

The reason for this suggestion is it limits the amount of people with access to it, potentially allowing more bounties to remain on the boards for longer periods of time, making the payouts a little more than the now more common, 20k-300k. It also adds some grind for BH tokens other than the ITV and Jetpack parts. Also lets newer bounty hunters know the struggles of having your target hiding away, and potentially help them with when to attack their target to have the best advantage, when able.