Recent content by Rynde

  1. Rynde

    Gaining FRS via PvE

    I actually agree with this for a number of reasons but mainly the state of the current jedi. You say they are more powerful in pve but so is every other build ever on this server, your still better playing a non jedi character due t versatility/ range oh yea overall power, however there is...
  2. Rynde

    Strikethrough how to defend?

    Crit reduction is specific to a crit hit, so this would not defend against ST. I don't think there is really a specific defense to ST, you would be best to stack block/ parry or IMO the best thing to do is also to stack ST and create a stronger offense to out DPS your opponent with the same...
  3. Rynde


    I think this coincides with this post QoL Discussion: Random Loot, Tokens another something that can be purchased from token vendors, I do think that invasion rewards needs a big upgrade to get people to actually do them and perhaps create some organic PVP
  4. Rynde

    QoL Discussion: Random Loot, Tokens

    I think this got a little off topic but I would like to bring it back. I think this is a great idea, once you have completed 10 of each OG for stat bonus and then obtain your 5 piece there is not a lot of incentive to continue to do these. By adding more token rewards I think would be...
  5. Rynde

    Make ME "great again"

    I absolutely love this idea, and I will say that some of the time that does happen, as we are preparing for PVP or an OG run we are in our guild barn buffing up. The other times I have a character that is completely dedicated to buffing my main character, so I don't even leave my house. Yes...
  6. Rynde

    Make ME "great again"

    that is fine and if that is the case when new characters spawn have them spawn there, it is unlikely cause the legacy quest is in ME. It can be really anywhere but has to be consistent, what does that character see in the first 24 hours of their existence. Their opinion will be formed very...
  7. Rynde

    Make ME "great again"

    ME is really the center of the SWG universe and I will say as a newer player it is a little concerning on the fact that there is literally no one in ME. ME was always and will continue to be the hub of the galaxy, whether it was to get an ENT buff or Med buff at the space station, it was always...
  8. Rynde

    Hi all Fellow SWG fans

  9. Rynde

    Leveling Guide/ True beginner guide (combat)

    I just wanted to write something up for the new players to evolve because there are a lot of differences which I believe you will find to be much better in the long run but can be very confusing in the beginning. Once you create your character you will land in ME in front of the star port, you...
  10. Rynde

    Add cape a craftable

    Recently I bought the empire cape which I thought would look awesome but it only comes town to the knees, a little disappointing. I know on legends they had craftable capes and also had them socketed, I didn't realize this was a new feature but would be awesome to wear a cape and customize the...
  11. Rynde

    Dual wield

    I think even if it was an appearance it would be cool, or maybe you could stat it but damage would not be increased. It would further customize someone's character look, or dual wield would be one item that is similar damage to what is available so it's not an OP item causing everyone to want it.
  12. Rynde

    Player build ?

    Well this is encouraging to know for sure, Upgrading a weapon already has made a difference, also I was unaware that you could actually craft augments and i was able to make 10 x 35's last night ill get the rest done this evening, just not sure where to put the stats, also still need the armor...
  13. Rynde

    Player build ?

    After being involved in two pvp scenarios I have realized that my character can not compete and I am curious if it is because of the Alpha Jedi class or if I just need desperately to increase my armor, weapons, make a full suit of 35's and so forth. I can say that not only was I completely...
  14. Rynde

    Clothing attachments

    ty, i figured i was missing something
  15. Rynde


    Welcome, I did the same thing, was looking to play again with a lot more options and I always wanted to be a force healer and now I have the ability to be both! Can't wait to get there