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New member
Oct 16, 2023

I think that the FRS needs a change. Doing the FRS by rule requires you to always be SF. I think if you are outside of a PVP zone, fights between non-NPCs should only be 1 on 1. Having 3 players attack one player is not fair no matter what rank you are. Jedi is not an elite class like on other servers. It doesn't require several people to kill Jedi.
For instance, last night I had to stop playing the game entirely, because I was repeatedly attacked by the same group of people. I only have 1 character that I play content with. I don't have time to max out others. I cant play the game if I am being attacked by mobs of other players. I don't have an issue with 1 on 1. Thats fair, but I don't really think that, outside of a pvp zone, people should be able to gang up on 1 Jedi.


Community Dad
Staff member
Jun 3, 2023

I think that the FRS needs a change. Doing the FRS by rule requires you to always be SF. I think if you are outside of a PVP zone, fights between non-NPCs should only be 1 on 1. Having 3 players attack one player is not fair no matter what rank you are. Jedi is not an elite class like on other servers. It doesn't require several people to kill Jedi.
For instance, last night I had to stop playing the game entirely, because I was repeatedly attacked by the same group of people. I only have 1 character that I play content with. I don't have time to max out others. I cant play the game if I am being attacked by mobs of other players. I don't have an issue with 1 on 1. Thats fair, but I don't really think that, outside of a pvp zone, people should be able to gang up on 1 Jedi.
The FRS is an optional system, that you can opt out of by /resignfromFRS which will still allow you to be a Jedi, wear the master cloaks (shatterpoint/cloak of hate), but you will not be able to up the ranks in the FRS and wear those robes, but you also won't be flagged SF.


Wookiee Overlord
Nov 14, 2023
Hello fellow Evolvian, there's a few points that I need to address but before we get to that I want inform you that there is a command to resign from the FRS system. It is /resignFromFRS and that will immediately fix your problem if you intend to mainly PvE. (WARNING: Resigning from FRS will completely strip you of your rank and the robes that are entitled to that rank.)

FRS is a system designed around ranking Jedi in a PvP environment. It is a PvP based system and is not for everyone. The ability to resign from the FRS system gives players the opportunity to continue to do PvE content on a Jedi for those who just want the Jedi experience. While in the FRS system, and above the rank of Knight, you will be permanently flagged SF. This allows other players, both allies and enemies to track your location via the War Intel Pad. This feature is intended for players who do partake in PvP and are actively looking for open world PvP. Again, if this is not you, you do have the option to resign.

While getting ganged up on in a open world environment is not ideal by any means, it happens and is part of the overall PvP experience. Some things you could do to try and avoid situations like this is to use the War Intel Pad to your advantage and try to scope where enemy players may be before you travel. Other options would be to load in to less busy starports like Bestine for example instead of Mos Eisley. A third option available to you is the system map, under the various heading there is an option to view GCW Faction Presence and you can use this as well as the War Intel Pad to accurately pinpoint where enemy or ally players are hanging out.

One point of contention I have with your overall statement is that Jedi is absolutely an Elite Class. Granted, at lower ranks in the FRS system it may not feel this way Jedi at the Ranks of 4-6 are aggresively stronger than most classes. Jedi have access to many abilities most classes do not such as an extended Force Run which can be amped up even higher than normal and a cloak that is unaccessible except for cloaking friends as a Smuggler. On top of this they have some of the best heals and defensives in the game. If you wish to continue down the path of FRS you could perhaps reach out to a fellow Rank 6 Jedi and ask for advice on template build as well as suggested clothing/exotic attachments you should run.

I understand your frustration with the feeling that being ganged up on is unfair, but in this simulated galaxy that has different warring factions, not every interaction in battle is going to be a fair one. If that's something you don't want to run into on a regular basis, maybe resigning from the FRS PvP system might be a positive way ahead for you in our hybrid-slice of SWG. If you have any questions or need clarification on the FRS system and how it works in depth, please reach out to me, I would be happy to answer any questions you may have.

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Rebel Sympathizer
Staff member
Oct 30, 2023
Hello fellow Evolvian, there's a few points that I need to address but before we get to that I want inform you that there is a command to resign from the FRS system. It is /resignFromFRS and that will immediately fix your problem if you intend to mainly PvE. (WARNING: Resigning from FRS will completely strip you of your rank and the robes that are entitled to that rank.)

FRS is a system designed around ranking Jedi in a PvP environment. It is a PvP based system and is not for everyone. The ability to resign from the FRS system gives players the opportunity to continue to do PvE content on a Jedi for those who just want the Jedi experience. While in the FRS system, and above the rank of Knight, you will be permanently flagged SF. This allows other players, both allies and enemies to track your location via the War Intel Pad. This feature is intended for players who do partake in PvP and are actively looking for open world PvP. Again, if this is not you, you do have the option to resign.

While getting ganged up on in a open world environment is not ideal by any means, it happens and is part of the overall PvP experience. Some things you could do to try and avoid situations like this is to use the War Intel Pad to your advantage and try to scope where enemy players may be before you travel. Other options would be to load in to less busy starports like Bestine for example instead of Mos Eisley. A third option available to you is the system map, under the various heading there is an option to view GCW Faction Presence and you can use this as well as the War Intel Pad to accurately pinpoint where enemy or ally players are hanging out.

One point of contention I have with your overall statement is that Jedi is absolutely an Elite Class. Granted, at lower ranks in the FRS system it may not feel this way Jedi at the Ranks of 4-6 are aggresively stronger than most classes. Jedi have access to many abilities most classes do not such as an extended Force Run which can be amped up even higher than normal and a cloak that is unaccessible except for cloaking friends as a Smuggler. On top of this they have some of the best heals and defensives in the game. If you wish to continue down the path of FRS you could perhaps reach out to a fellow Rank 6 Jedi and ask for advice on template build as well as suggested clothing/exotic attachments you should run.

I understand your frustration with the feeling that being ganged up on is unfair, but in this simulated galaxy that has different warring factions, not every interaction in battle is going to be a fair one. If that's something you don't want to run into on a regular basis, maybe resigning from the FRS PvP system might be a positive way ahead for you in our hybrid-slice of SWG. If you have any questions or need clarification on the FRS system and how it works in depth, please reach out to me, I would be happy to answer any questions you may have.


I am in agreement with my other colleagues. I myself hit rank 6 for Jedi not too long ago and it is quite the experience to get there. It is indeed all optional and is not required. If you feel PvP is not your cup of tea and all the risks that come with it being permanently SF, then FRS may not be for you.

We're here with any additional questions you may have on this topic, Tank has really outlined everything I would've mentioned already.


New New Kid
Staff member
May 29, 2023
United States

I think that the FRS needs a change. Doing the FRS by rule requires you to always be SF. I think if you are outside of a PVP zone, fights between non-NPCs should only be 1 on 1. Having 3 players attack one player is not fair no matter what rank you are. Jedi is not an elite class like on other servers. It doesn't require several people to kill Jedi.
For instance, last night I had to stop playing the game entirely, because I was repeatedly attacked by the same group of people. I only have 1 character that I play content with. I don't have time to max out others. I cant play the game if I am being attacked by mobs of other players. I don't have an issue with 1 on 1. Thats fair, but I don't really think that, outside of a pvp zone, people should be able to gang up on 1 Jedi.
The same thing is bound to happen on a normal combat character if it were SF. It’s not specific to just Jedi. By that I mean getting ganged up on. That’s just the way PvP is. Once you go SF anything can target you from enemy players to enemy NPCs. But like @Cailener1234 said if being permanently SF is not your thing then /resignFromFRS is the way to go. But like Tank said it will remove everything council related (Robes that are not Palawan)


Oct 18, 2023

I think that the FRS needs a change. Doing the FRS by rule requires you to always be SF. I think if you are outside of a PVP zone, fights between non-NPCs should only be 1 on 1. Having 3 players attack one player is not fair no matter what rank you are. Jedi is not an elite class like on other servers. It doesn't require several people to kill Jedi.
For instance, last night I had to stop playing the game entirely, because I was repeatedly attacked by the same group of people. I only have 1 character that I play content with. I don't have time to max out others. I cant play the game if I am being attacked by mobs of other players. I don't have an issue with 1 on 1. Thats fair, but I don't really think that, outside of a pvp zone, people should be able to gang up on 1 Jedi.
Jedi is not an elite class by any means necessary. Is it stronger than base NGE? Absolutely, but so is everything else. Whilst getting to rank 6 may help you live longer against opponents in a 1v1 situation it will not carry you in a fight against more than 1 competent PvPer as much as people would like to think it does. People seem to forget that a good LSJ is unkillable by any other class 1vX in PvP in base NGE with its direct counter being DSJ. Now you add dark side to that and it’s a little bit easier, however we do not have the defensives that every other non-Jedi is capable of having here. It seems people think that by running up to a Jedi and standing in its abilities ranges and getting stomped out makes it an alpha easy mode class. A truly built pvp machine can go toe to toe with a Jedi 1v1 and neither will die and with proper LOS and utilization of abilities can eventually even possibly kill the Jedi, that doesn’t sound very elite on a class that is specifically designed to win the 1v1 as a duelist. As for the other issue, getting ganked is apart of the PvP scene and will remain that way until the end of time. The suggestions above are a great start to avoiding people for PvP although my question to you would be, why enroll in a perma PvP system to not take part in it’s wonders? I find being always on the alert and not knowing when you’ll get ganked to be quite fun which is why I sit Perma SF on all toons I have.
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