Artisan Missions


New member
Mar 19, 2024
Liverpool UK
I've been running Artisan Missions for the last four or five hours to pay for Harvester upkeep. After making approx 180k payout suddenly dropped to 1% of what it should be.

I posted on Discord and Chavex suggested I posted here for it to be considered whether it is by design.

Random feedback - I find credits really hard to come by in game. I've been playing for about a month. Most of the time when I move between planets I grab a bunch of artisan missions to keep things ticking over and if I'm honest doing so many of them is tiring given the level of reward. I'm not complaining, just offering feedback - it's partly my fault I play solo and I just want to collect materials and craft. I'd love to see a boost to payouts from artisan missions. Rewards go from 600 to 1800 credits per mission as is.

Artisan missions do not get a reward bonus based on group size. However, the reward is shared out equally between the group and each group member has to be in the immediate vicinity of the mission being completed or their share of the reward is void. If a group of 7 people do a 600 credit reward artisan mission the reward is shared equally so they each get 86 credits. The reward for anyone who is not in the immediate area of the completion is cancelled. Hence an artisan mission can payout a minimum of 86 credits. To be clear I am not suggesting the reward should be multiplied I am only stating how they presently work.
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